Eastern Analytical – New Laboratory Facility
15,000 square foot state of the art laboratory in Concord, NH. The innovative facility was planned utilizing leading edge programs allowing details to drawn down to the specific location of EAI’s high-tech instruments to maximize lab space.

Eptam Plastics
Working around on-going manufacturing operations, CCI completed 8,000 square feet of manufacturing renovations and a 4,000 square foot office mezzanine for Eptam Plastics. The project was done on a fast-track basis in under 14 weeks. The project was completed per the established schedule and was under the quoted Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) with no impact to Eptam’s on-going operations.

Cooper Products, Inc.
Cooper Products, Inc. selected CCI as their design/build contractor for their manufacturing expansion. Phase I was a 15,800 square foot steel framed addition to the existing facility that was completed in four months under a fast-track schedule. Phase I included extensive site work that required close coordination for deliveries and shipment of product. Phase II was a 14,400 square foot renovation of the existing manufacturing facility. This was completed in a three month period, as CCI renovated existing plant areas as they were vacated by Cooper Products. The project was completed per the established schedule and budget. Cooper Products continued to manufacture and ship their product during the entire construction period without interruption.

Titeflex Aerospace
Titeflex Aerospace, a manufacturer of tubular products for the aerospace industry, located in Laconia, NH, contracted with CCI to construct a 48,000 square foot manufacturing addition. Working under a design/build contract, CCI worked with the client to ensure all of their needs were met for this significant expansion project. Coordinating movement of operations to the new facility, while limiting downtime, were crucial in a successful turnover of the new addition.

Other Manufacturing Projects
Manufacturing represented a significant portion of CCI's client base in it's early years of the 1990's; however, during the late 1990's and early 2000's, manufacturing expansions decreased. More recently, manufacturing projects once again represent a large portion of CCI's construction projects. These type of projects require careful coordination, as most are performed around on-going operations.